Are Dog & Cat Intolerance Tests Accurate? Our Experts Explain

Are Dog & Cat Intolerance Tests Accurate? Our Experts Explain

If your dog or cat experiences unpleasant symptoms shortly after eating, there’s a good chance that they have a food intolerance. Narrowing down exactly what your pet has an intolerance to can be tough without a pet intolerance test – but are pet intolerance tests accurate? If you’re spending money to find out more about your pet’s digestive health, you want to be confident that the results are reliable.

In this article, we’re going to look into the validity of dog and cat intolerance tests, so you can be confident that it’s the right thing to do to prevent your pet from experiencing any more pain or discomfort after meal times.

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How do you test for allergies in pets?

Just like humans, pets can develop an allergy to certain types of food at any stage of their life. However, testing a pet for an allergy can be pricey and time-consuming. It’s also not particularly fun for your four-legged friend and is usually done under sedation as it involves clipping a small patch of fur and giving your pet a series of tiny injections. This is then monitored for hives.

Surprisingly, a food intolerance is more likely

Also just like humans, it’s more likely that what your pet is suffering from is a food intolerance. This is when your pet struggles to digest or metabolise certain types of food which causes unpleasant symptoms usually focused around the stomach and bowels. 

What is a pet intolerance test?

A pet intolerance test is a fast, affordable, painless and accurate way to find out what type of food your pet struggles to metabolise. At My Pet Sensitivity, the test is performed under laboratory conditions and provides a full report detailing the food your pet has an intolerance to and the severity of the intolerance. These results allow you to make positive changes to your pet’s diet so they don’t have to suffer from horrible symptoms every time they eat.

We offer several fast, reliable and affordable pet intolerance tests, including a cat food intolerance test, a dog food intolerance test and an pet intolerance test.

Does my pet need to take an intolerance test?

If you suspect your pet has an intolerance, an intolerance test is a reliable way to find out for certain. You may want to try other methods, such as an elimination diet, but these can be drawn out, confusing and unreliable. Pets are great at hiding their pain and discomfort, which means if they do have an intolerance, they often suffer more than they let on. A test can tell you in less than a week how you can improve the quality of your pet’s life with something as simple as removing an ingredient from their diet.

How does a pet intolerance test work?

Our pet intolerance tests are undertaken using bioresonance techniques under safe and secure laboratory conditions. We take a small sample of your pet’s fur and scan it using electromagnetic waves to see how it reacts to certain triggers. The higher the reading, the more likely your pet has an intolerance.

Bioresonance testing is classed as an alternative practice, but many experts recognise it as a reliable way to identify intolerances. As the practice advances, more and more scientists are coming on board to the benefits of bioresonance.

Are pet intolerance tests accurate?

While some scientists are still skeptical over the validity of bioresonance testing, it’s fast becoming a more widely recognised form of providing fast and accurate pet intolerance results. Just like most other homeopathic practices, some are more open to it than others – but the data from the thousands of happy dog and cat owners we’ve helped doesn’t lie. Just read through hundreds of independent My Pet Sensitivity reviews to see for yourself.

How much do your pet intolerance tests cost?

The cost of a dog or cat food intolerance test is just £29.99, and they test against 300 common commercial pet food ingredients. The cost of an advanced pet intolerance test is £39.99, and tests against 460 commercial pet food ingredients.

How quickly do you get your pet's results?

Once you send us your pet’s hair sample through the post, we’ll send you an email or text notification to let you know once we’ve received it. You’ll then receive the results within just five working days, so you can make changes to your pet’s diet.

Why trust My Pet Sensitivity?

Here at My Pet Sensitivity, we’ve been helping concerned pet owners make smart choices for their pets for more than 15 years. We have more than 700 positive reviews from pet owners from across the UK, and undertake testing under trusted and fully-certified laboratory conditions.

Our food intolerance test reviews

We've also been voted the 'Overall best dog allergy test at home' by VetStreet.

We are so confident that our tests will produce the results you need to improve the digestive health of your pet, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. There really is nothing to lose.

Frequently asked pet intolerance test questions

How do you test for dog food intolerance?

At My Pet Sensitivity, we use bioresonance testing to test a small sample of your dog’s fur against up to 460 common food ingredients. This fast and affordable technique can identify if your dog has issues digesting certain food, and can prevent the need for costly and invasive allergen tests. Once you know what your dog has an intolerance to, you can make changes to their diet and stop them from experiencing symptoms.

What is the most common food intolerance in dogs?

Dogs can develop an intolerance to almost any type of food, but the most common foods include proteins, such as meat, as well as different plants, grains and dairy.

Are cat food intolerance tests accurate?

Yes, cat food intolerance tests are accurate and provide you with a detailed report on the ingredients your cat has an intolerance to, as well as the severity of the intolerance. This means you can make changes to your cat's diet so they no longer feel unwell after meals.