Explained: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries & Strawberry Leaves

Explained: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries & Strawberry Leaves

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

The answer is yes, dogs can eat strawberries in moderation. Strawberries are a healthy and natural treat for dogs, and many canines enjoy their sweet and tangy flavour. 

As a dog owner, you've probably wondered about what fruits and vegetables are safe to share with your furry friend. One such fruit that often piques curiosity is strawberries. These sweet, red berries are a delicious summer treat for humans, but can dogs eat strawberries and their leaves? In this article, we'll explore the safety and potential benefits of feeding strawberries to your canine companion, as well as whether strawberry leaves are safe or not.

Here are some points to consider when feeding strawberries to your dog:

Nutrient-Rich: Strawberries are packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants. They are a good source of vitamin C, fibre, and folate, which can contribute to your dog's overall health.

Low in Calories: Strawberries are relatively low in calories, making them a suitable treat for dogs, especially those watching their weight.

Natural Dental Care: The texture of strawberries can help remove tartar and plaque from your dog's teeth, contributing to better oral health.

Antioxidants: The antioxidants in strawberries may help boost your dog's immune system and protect against free radicals.

However, it's crucial to feed strawberries in moderation. Too many strawberries can lead to an upset stomach or diarrhoea due to their natural sugar content. Always slice or chop strawberries into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking, especially for small dog breeds.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Leaves?

While strawberries themselves are generally safe for dogs, the leaves and stems are a different story. Strawberry leaves can be problematic for your pet for several reasons:

Potential Irritants: Strawberry leaves can contain substances that might cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. In some cases, they can lead to vomiting or diarrhoea.

Texture: The texture of the leaves can be tough and difficult to digest, posing a choking hazard for dogs.

Pesticides and Chemicals: If the strawberry plant has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals, the leaves can retain residues that are harmful to dogs.

To play it safe, it's best to remove the leaves and stems from strawberries before offering them to your dog. Only provide your furry friend with the ripe, juicy fruit, and ensure it's fresh and clean.

Safe alternatives to Strawberries

There are plenty of safe and healthy alternatives for dogs to enjoy instead of strawberries. When selecting dog-friendly treats, consider options that are low in sugar, non-toxic, and easy for your furry friend to digest. Here are some alternatives:

Blueberries: Blueberries are a great choice. They're low in calories, rich in antioxidants, and can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your dog.

Watermelon: Fresh, seedless watermelon (without the rind) is hydrating and low in calories. Dogs often love its sweet and juicy taste.

Apples: Apples, when sliced and with the seeds removed, are a crunchy and healthy snack. They are a good source of fibre and vitamin C.

Carrots: Carrots are a low-calorie, crunchy option that can help clean your dog's teeth and provide essential nutrients like beta-carotene.

Bananas: Bananas are a good source of potassium and vitamins. They are best served in moderation due to their sugar content.

Pumpkin: Plain, canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) is a great source of fibre and can help with digestive health. Many dogs find it tasty.

Cucumbers: Cucumber slices are a refreshing and hydrating snack for dogs, and they are low in calories.

Sweet Potatoes: Cooked and unseasoned sweet potato chunks or puree can be a nutritious addition to your dog's diet.

Broccoli: Small, cooked broccoli florets make for a healthy, low-calorie treat. They're rich in vitamins and fibre.

Plain Popcorn: Air-popped, unsalted popcorn can be a fun and low-calorie snack for your dog. Just make sure to remove any un-popped kernels.

Cooked Chicken or Turkey: Plain, skinless, and boneless poultry can be a protein-packed treat. Be sure it's cooked without added seasonings.

Cheese: Some dogs can tolerate small amounts of plain cheese. It's a good source of protein and can be used for training purposes.

Always introduce new foods gradually to ensure your dog's digestive system can handle them. Additionally, consider your dog's individual dietary needs, preferences, and any allergies or sensitivities they may have. If you're uncertain about what treats are suitable for your specific dog, consult with your veterinarian for personalised recommendations.


In conclusion, dogs can safely enjoy strawberries as an occasional treat due to their many health benefits. However, it's essential to feed them in moderation and remove the leaves and stems. If you're unsure about how your dog will react to strawberries or any new food, consult your veterinarian for guidance. Every dog is unique, and what's safe for one may not be suitable for another. Always prioritise your dog's health and well-being when introducing new foods into their diet.